
Caption CERN Contest Week 2

A contest log for Caption CERN Contest

Caption CERN, win a prize!

adam-fabioAdam Fabio 02/11/2015 at 04:35110 Comments

Week 1: 2/10/2015 - 9pm PDT 2/17/2015

Link to the original CERN image.

What do we have here? Some sort of high pressure or high vacuum chamber with all sorts of ports and wires. Motors, pumps, and a scientist who understandably looks rather proud of her creation.

Add your humorous caption as a comment to this project log. Make sure you're commenting on this project log, not on the project itself.

As always, if you actually have information about the image or the people in it, let CERN know on the original image discussion page.

Good Luck!


Inderpreet Singh wrote 02/11/2015 at 20:06 point

Girl blows up with crazy machine after pressing the wrong button... Oops!

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K.C. Lee wrote 02/11/2015 at 20:06 point

I had no idea you could milk a cat!  

Oh, you can milk just about anything...

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Inderpreet Singh wrote 02/11/2015 at 20:00 point

CERN develops ugly machine with pretty girl standing next to it. Reaserch will continue with more funding being raised as a result.

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pod wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:58 point

Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough

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Inderpreet Singh wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:58 point

CERN develops the world first IoT enabled coffee machine... National Science Foundation now have a real reason to further develop and spread the internet... 

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Benchoff wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:52 point

That has to be a mercury delay line.

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jacksonliam wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:49 point

Engineer stands next to first functional non-radioactive mechanical cow.

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RoboMonkey wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:46 point

A Starbucks Barista tests the latest version of industrial Espresso machine. "At this rate we'll be a megacorporate giant in 50 years," says CEO R. Goldberg.

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Paul Fl wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:44 point

The 5th element, not long before revitalizing process is complete

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Rick wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:42 point
"Would you like fries with your meal?"

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Paul Fl wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:42 point

Elsa Schrödinger, daughter of the physicist, pauses in front of the famous box containing the cat.

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hackatron wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:36 point

Say that to me again and I'll feed your other cat through this!

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jack krewson wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:21 point

Margaret, having burned her lips on McDonalds McCoffee, chose this new Sous-vide coffee maker, in the name of a safer work environment.

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cdilla wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:21 point

"All I need now is an extremely hot cup of tea and the infinite improbability machine will be good to go."

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Egar wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:15 point

"...and this is the money-disposal contraption. Its working principle is very simple: just add a few parts and bank accounts will empty out with celerity.
Harriet here is demonstrating the machine at work: by adding a new platinum valve, the department's budget for the rest of the year is gone."

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Karl-Wilhelm Wacker wrote 02/11/2015 at 19:06 point
Now, if only they'ed only hurry up and develope the smaller LiPo battery, we might get somewhere with this e-cig.

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weiman wrote 02/11/2015 at 18:51 point

The last part for the vaporizer is in! So, who wants to get high? ^_^

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ar3itrary wrote 02/11/2015 at 18:45 point

"This device is our centralized high pressure coffee distribution system. In addition to oxygen, hydrogen and compressed air, each of our labs has access to hot coffee from multiple wall outlets."

I mean seriously: How are the ever going to get all the science done without caffeine?

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DigiGram wrote 02/11/2015 at 18:44 point

"Flubber engines made reality for delivery trucks. Amazon might not get their drones, but Fedex will!!"

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Martin Ferreira wrote 02/11/2015 at 18:44 point

She is happy because it is her husband vacuum chamber, if you know what I mean...

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