
Caption CERN Contest Week 24

A contest log for Caption CERN Contest

Caption CERN, win a prize!

adam-fabioAdam Fabio 07/16/2015 at 05:2670 Comments

Week 24: 7/15/2015 - 9pm PDT 7/22/2015

The scientists at CERN always take a personal stake in their work. Pushing mankind's knowledge of science and high energy physics takes a special breed of person. Thankfully this special breed always seems to have a fun side as well. Here we see a CERN scientist posing behind a ... a device. It looks to be some kind of coil or beamline part, though the actual use is thus far a mystery even to CERN's own staff. We do know this shot was taken in June of 1973, the same month as one of the longest solar eclipses on record - over 7 minutes of totality! Was this part of some CERN solar experiment? Could it have been part of a particle accelerator? Was this scientist just working on his latest art project - perhaps part of a dodecagon exploration?

You be the judge!

This week's prize is a Teensy 3.1 from The Hackaday Store.

Add your humorous caption as a comment to this project log. Make sure you're commenting on this contest log, not on the contest itself.

As always, if you actually have information about the image or the people in it, let CERN know on the original image discussion page.


Jack Laidlaw wrote 07/18/2015 at 15:58 point

Believe it or not the man in this picture is 90 years old but with cerns new Anti-wrinkle face skin stretcher he looks a mere 28.

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RandyKC wrote 07/18/2015 at 15:50 point

Leaning in too close to the Helmholtz apparatus resulted in him literally getting his face sucked off.

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Andre Esteves wrote 07/18/2015 at 15:43 point

Caption 3.5 - Physicist showing the Teletubies sun effect through a partial radial electrode design...

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Lou wrote 07/18/2015 at 01:46 point

CERN finally found a way to contain M M M M Max Headrroom.

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jakewisher125 wrote 07/17/2015 at 11:54 point

"Although it can be said that the special effects on the original Doctor Who were quite low budget, this shot showing what is apparently the Master trapped in an alternate dimension probably takes the cake"

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EngineerAfterLunchTime wrote 07/16/2015 at 17:07 point

Go ahead pick up the operating tool !!. For your first task remove the patients tooth for 10 points. But beware!!!  there's the 10,000K volt charge if you touch the sides!! Enjoy !!!

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THX1082 wrote 07/16/2015 at 16:04 point

This is how you get "ahead" at CERN!

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Flint wrote 07/16/2015 at 14:50 point

Experiments to recreate the wheel continue here at CERN...

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ajlitt wrote 07/16/2015 at 06:05 point

Moisturize me

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Eric Hertz wrote 07/16/2015 at 05:37 point

Don't let the ad-model's smile fool you; early EEGs weren't known for being particularly comfortable...

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