
Customized quantum learning experience

A course class for Quantum Computing through Comics

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artbyphysicistkittyartbyphysicistkitty 05/02/2021 at 10:471 Comment

Everyone interested in quantum computing comes from a different background with different needs. My recent project at Microsoft was building a webpage that allows you to get a list of learning resource catered to your needs. 

An interactive page that not only provides a single link for all of Microsoft quantum learning resources, but also customizes a unique learning path for people, through the "Build your qubit" interaction. Try it out, build your own qubits, share a screenshot or link to the page

Don't you just love this kind of creativity applied in hardcore technical fields? This is my 3rd baby at Microsoft Quantum <3

Microsoft Quantum Blog to learn more about the work:


A. Kuro Andengattil wrote 06/03/2021 at 20:44 point

Great stuff! Excited to check this out!

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