
Hack Chat Transcript Part 3

A event log for Bitluni's ESP32 Video Tricks Hack Chat

NTSC, PAL, and VGA for Espressif Microcontrollers

lutetiumLutetium 03/27/2019 at 20:130 Comments

Dave Blundell1:00 PM
even QSPI isn't close to frame buf territory

bitluni1:00 PM
you can use it for audio I guess and some background data

Dave Blundell1:00 PM
my application is non-video so the speed wasn't a huge concern. Fastest communication was WiFi / CAN

erik pax1:00 PM
can the spi be overclocked, or bitbanged faster with i2s?

Dave Blundell1:00 PM
having the RAM was a godspeed

Dave Blundell1:01 PM
I think for my application I'm going to have to sit down with the scope.

andrew.michael.johnson1:01 PM
@bitluni if you wanted to try and bitbang SDI to a sdi to hdmi chip for HD I would look at TI's datasheets for their serialzer/deserializer SDI chips.

Dave Blundell1:02 PM
I hadn't thought to use the I2S for what I was doing but now see how it can be used to DMA data out really fast.

morgan1:02 PM
what is the actually bottlenck with PSRAM? my understanding was PSRAM itself is simply slow, or is it in fact SPI?

Dave Blundell1:02 PM
I had looked harder at MCPWM

Dave Blundell1:02 PM
have a feeling that I'm going to need to just try to make some waveforms and have scope hooked up.

bitluni1:02 PM
@andrew.michael.johnson thanks :-) another neat clue on the quest for HDMI for the esp32

andrew.michael.johnson1:03 PM LCD screen anyone? lol

andrew.michael.johnson1:03 PM
You get SDI working and things open up quite a BIT

andrew.michael.johnson1:03 PM

Dave Blundell1:03 PM
@morgan, it's quad-SPI. bottleneck = SPI bus speed, bus width, protocol overhead. You can get many Mb/second but not anywhere near Gb/sec. I didn't benchmark it because I didn't need the speed. Also, I think it may share the bus with the QSPI dataflash for program memory

morgan1:04 PM
ok, good to know

Dan Maloney1:05 PM
So we're well over an hour now and going strong. I don't want to end the fun, but bitluni has been very generous with his time and expertise, and he may need to get back to real life. If so, I just want to say thanks for coming along, this was great!

morgan1:06 PM
yeah! thank @bitluni

andrew.michael.johnson1:06 PM
SDI-3G (3gbs) is the base standard for SDI but lower resolutions I believe can be achieved at lower speeds.. The issue is SDI is generally uncompressed video. I think it can be compress but I am not entirely sure.

morgan1:06 PM

Dan Maloney1:06 PM
And I just want to drop a pitch for next week's Hack Chat, Python and the IoT with the Adafruit CircutPython team:

bitluni1:06 PM
I check the math back then when I was implementing camera support. psram it was not fast enough for qvga. It would work if you buffered half the frame in sram and the other half in the psram :-D

sfrias11:06 PM
Really interesting @bitluni , Regards to @Dan Maloney and everybody.

Dan Maloney1:07 PM
pt, LadayAda, and a whole bunch of other devs and folks from the CircuitPythn team will be here, plus we'll be doing a giveaway...

Dave Blundell1:07 PM
thanks @bitluni!

bitluni1:07 PM
it went quite low level

bitluni1:07 PM

Dave Blundell1:07 PM
Appreciate the novel idea for I2S abuse.

Dave Blundell1:07 PM
