
A raspberry pi based lego retro arcade

martonmerohermanmartonmeroherman wrote 04/21/2022 at 17:13 • 4 min read • Like

Hi, everyone. This is my first Hackaday project. A Raspberry pi based Lego arcade!

This is what you will need.

  1.  A raspberry pi 2 3 or 4 
  2.   a display like this
  3. a very small HDMI  cable
  4. print the .stl files with a 3d printer or build it from lego
  5. a USB nes controller   here is how big:  

                     ______________12.5 cm__ _________________l

                     |             |||||                                          ____   ____     |

     5.5 cm     |        ||||||||||||||||||            start  select     |   O   | |  O   |     |

                     |             |||||                 | ----     ---- |                                 |


6. a second controller or a keyboard  (for the second player)

7. one long usb cable (power for the pi) an one not so long usb cable (to connect the screen with the pi)

8. speakers or a headphone


set up retropie on your pi before you begin.

1.put your raspberry pi in the part 1 of the model like this:

and of course, the HDMI is facing up

2. put your NES controller at the other side and connect the cable  

3. connect the second controller

4. connect the speakers or headphones

5. connect the long microUSB cable to the pi

the second controller and the audio jack and the long microUSB cables are going trough the hole shown at the picture

6. connect the screen and the pi with the small USB cable

7. connect the pi and the screen with the HDMI cable.

8. put the screen in the big hole shown at the top of the picture

9. folow the next steps the selected block is the added block.

now you are ready to play!

