
Quadcopter Rassberry Pi 2 Autopilot

stephane-carronStephane Carron wrote 11/05/2015 at 21:41 • 10 min read • Like

RPI2 configuration.

1.0 Image Installation

  1. sudo apt-get update

1.1 Basic RPI2 Settings

Run raspi-config

!Note: See THIS thread at if any issues like “AK8963: bad DEVICE ID” when overclocking,

1.1 RPI power source

We need to attach more power to the RPI2 USB, using a 5v 5A BEC. This will supply our 4G modem with enough power.
All onboard equipment are powered from the same battery source.

2.0 gStreamer-1.0 Installation

I recently manage to compile gstreamer v1.4. See main discussion thread Here

Version 1.4 are not required for this tutorial, so we just use v1.0 for the sake of convenience.

Type this line to install gstreamer1.0

  1. sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0

Save attached(in bottom of this article) file to RPI or copy paste content bellow.
NOTE! Change the IP to match your GCS ip or dyndns. You may also try with different framerate and bitrate. Try to find a setting you are satisfied with.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #320x240
  3. #360x288
  4. #640x480
  5. #704x576
  6. WIDTH=640
  7. HEIGHT=480
  8. ip=GCS_IP
  9. v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,pixelformat=1
  10. v4l2-ctl -i 1
  11. gst-launch-1.0 -v \
  12. rtpbin name=rtpbin v4l2src device=/dev/video0 \
  13. ! video/x-raw,width=$WIDTH,height=$HEIGHT,framerate=15/1 \
  14. ! queue \
  15. ! omxh264enc target-bitrate=500000 control-rate=1 \
  16. ! "video/x-h264,profile=high" \
  17. ! h264parse \
  18. ! queue max-size-bytes=10000000 \
  19. ! rtph264pay pt=96 config-interval=1 \
  20. ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0 rtpbin.send_rtp_src_0 \
  21. ! udpsink port=5000 host=$ip ts-offset=0 name=vrtpsink rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 \
  22. ! udpsink port=5001 host=$ip sync=false async=false name=vrtcpsink udpsrc port=5000 name=vrtpsrc \
  23. ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_0

Remember to set permission to file,

  1. chmod 755

To run gstreamer script, type this;

  1. sudo sh
Client. Windows or unix.

Get the gstreamer installation package for windows HERE
Install the package and then navigate to the installation bin directory. e.g gstreamer\1.0\x86\bin
Then open windows command prompt in that directory. left shift + right click. "Open command line here".

Then type this syntax to start gstreamer to listen for any video stream at port 5000.
If your RPI are streaming, you should get a picture right away.

  1. gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port="5000" caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,
  2. clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)H264,payload=(int)96,ssrc=(uint)237526004,
  3. clock-base=(uint)1584170994,seqnum-base=(uint)42626" ! rtph264depay ! decodebin!
  4. autovideosink -v


    If you don`t have the VLC installed, you can get it HERE
    Save the attached(In the Bottom of this article) vlc.sdp and run it. 3.0 UQMI 4G integration
    UQMI (Supports 4G LTE) Read discussion thread HERE
    Tested and working on RPI 2.Install required dependencies:
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get upgrade
    3. sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch
    4. sudo apt-get install cmake
    5. sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf
    6. sudo apt-get install dnsutils

    DIR /home/pi*** installing json-c ***
    1. wget
    2. sudo tar -xvf json-c-0.12.tar.gz
    3. cd json-c-0.12
    4. sed -i s/-Werror// && ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static && make -j1
    5. su
    6. make install
    7. cd ..
    *** Installing libubox ****
    1. git clone libubox
    2. cd libubox
    3. cmake CMakeLists.txt -DBUILD_LUA=OFF
    4. make
    5. sudo make install
    6. mkdir -p /usr/include/libubox
    7. cp *.h /usr/include/libubox
    8. cp /usr/lib
    9. cp /usr/lib
    10. ldconfig
    Then git, compile and install uqmi
    1. cd /home/pi
    2. sudo git clone git://
    3. cd uqmi
    4. sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    5. sudo make install 3.1 Autoconnection of LTE if loss of signal. (UPDATE 13.05.2015)

      This section will explain autoconnection of LTE 4G if loss of signal. We need to create crontab job that checks every 15sec if RPI is online, and if not reconnect.
      We also needs to change the way APM streams UDP packets. Normally we just type UDP:GCS_IP:port, but this wont work after wwan0 ( LTE USB Modem) is re-iniziated. we need to stream our packets to localhost and then use udp_redirect script to forward packets to GCS.

      First we are going to create "checkifonline" script.
      1. sudo vi
      Then copy and paste code bellow.
      This script will check if our RPI is online and if not, re-connect our LTE modem
      Change the green fields to match your setting.
      1. #!/bin/bash
      2. #Create lock file
      3. LOCKFILE=/tmp/lock.txt
      4. if [ -e ${LOCKFILE} ] && kill -0 `cat ${LOCKFILE}`; then
      5. echo "This script is already running"
      6. exit
      7. fi
      8. # make sure the lockfile is removed when we exit and then claim it
      9. trap "rm -f ${LOCKFILE}; exit" INT TERM EXIT
      10. echo $$ > ${LOCKFILE}
      11. #let`s ping google.
      12. if ! wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider
      13. then
      14. sleep 1
      15. #let`s ping google again to doublecheck that RPI is offline.
      16. if ! wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider
      17. then
      18. sudo killall -9 uqmi
      19. sudo killall -9 dhclient
      20. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --set-device-operating-mode shutting_down
      21. sleep 30
      22. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --stop-network 4294967295 --autoconnect
      23. sleep 2
      24. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --network-register
      25. sleep 2
      26. sudo uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --start-network YOUR_APN --keep-client-id wds --autoconnect &
      27. echo "Restartet Modem"
      28. sleep 8
      29. sudo dhclient -v wwan0
      30. sleep 5
      31. else
      32. echo "RPI Online"
      33. fi
      34. else
      35. echo "RPI Online"
      36. fi
      37. #remove LockFile
      38. rm -f ${LOCKFILE}
      Remember to set permission
      1. sudo chmod 755
      Let`s add this script to crontab
      1. sudo crontab -e
      add these line to the bottom of the file
      1. * * * * * /home/pi/./ &
      2. * * * * * sleep 15; /home/pi/./ &
      3. * * * * * sleep 30; /home/pi/./ &
      4. * * * * * sleep 45; /home/pi/./ &
      This will run our checkifonline script every 15sec.
      next we need to create udp_redirect program.
      Make another script
      1. sudo vi udp_redirect.c
      Copy paste the code bellow.
      1. #include <stdio.h>
      2. #include <stdlib.h>
      3. #include <sys/socket.h>
      4. #include <netinet/in.h>
      5. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      6. if (argc!=3 && argc!=5) {
      7. printf("Usage: %s our-ip our-port send-to-ip send-to-port\n",argv[0]);
      8. printf("Usage: %s our-ip our-port # echo mode\n",argv[0]);
      9. exit(1);
      10. }
      11. int os=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_IP);
      12. struct sockaddr_in a;
      13. a.sin_family=AF_INET;
      14. a.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(argv[1]); a.sin_port=htons(atoi(argv[2]));
      15. if(bind(os,(struct sockaddr *)&a,sizeof(a)) == -1) {
      16. printf("Can't bind our address (%s:%s)\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
      17. exit(1); }
      18. if(argc==5) { a.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(argv[3]); a.sin_port=htons(atoi(argv[4])); }
      19. struct sockaddr_in sa;
      20. struct sockaddr_in da; da.sin_addr.s_addr=0;
      21. while(1) {
      22. char buf[65535];
      23. int sn=sizeof(sa);
      24. int n=recvfrom(os,buf,sizeof(buf),0,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,&sn);
      25. if(n<=0) continue;
      26. if(argc==3) { sendto(os,buf,n,0,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sn);
      27. } else if(sa.sin_addr.s_addr==a.sin_addr.s_addr && sa.sin_port==a.sin_port) {
      28. if(da.sin_addr.s_addr) sendto(os,buf,n,0,(struct sockaddr *)&da,sizeof(da));
      29. } else {
      30. sendto(os,buf,n,0,(struct sockaddr *)&a,sizeof(a));
      31. da=sa;
      32. }
      33. }
      34. }
      Set permission to file
      1. sudo chmod 755 udp_redirect.c
      Then we compile the file we just created.
      1. sudo gcc -o udp_redirect udp_redirect.c
      Now you should have a file named udp_redirect in /home/pi
      Finally we are going to make script. This scripft will find GCS ip address and forward UDP trafic from localhost) to your GCS.
      1. sudo vi
      Copy paste the code bellow
      1. #!/bin/bash
      2. ip=`dig +short YOUR_GCS_DNS`
      3. echo $ip
      4. /home/pi/udp_redirect 14550 $ip 14550 &
      Note! - Remeber to change the APM start line in as described in section 4.0 From:
      1. sudo ArduPlane -A udp:$ip:14550
      1. sudo ArduPlane -A udp:
      4.0 APM installation.
      All documentation is provided at, i would recommend to see theirs instructions.
      After successfully installed APM, make another script which just fires ArduPilot software.sudo vi
      Copy paste code bellow. Change code to mach you airframe and port
      !NOTE, If you are going to use Autoconnect features as described in section 3.1, you need to change the APM start line to sudo ArduPlane -A udp:
      1. #!/bin/bash
      2. ip=`dig +short YOUR_DynDns_ADRESS`
      3. sudo ArduPlane -A udp:$ip:14550
      Set permission to file
      1. sudo chmod 755
      Now test that ArduPilot is working properly.
      1. sudo sh
      5.0 RPI startup and usage of installed code.Now you should have two files located in /home/pi (,
      I have made a startup script which calls all the necessary programs in correct order.
      ( Also see attched in the bottom)sudo vi
      Copy paste code bellow.
      Change the yellow fields to mach yours. You will need to contact your operator to get correct APN name.
      Telenor, Norway using; internet.public
      1. #!/bin/bash
      2. function CheckOnline {
      3. SERVICE='uqmi'
      4. if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
      5. then
      6. echo "$SERVICE service running, everything is fine"
      7. wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider
      8. if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
      9. echo "Online, starting APM"
      10. ArduPilot
      11. sleep 1
      12. else
      13. echo "4G Offline"
      14. fi
      15. else
      16. echo "$SERVICE is not running"
      17. echo "Check if RPI is online anyway"
      18. wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider
      19. if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
      20. echo "RPI is Online, starting APM"
      21. ArduPilot
      22. sleep 1
      23. else
      24. echo "RPI Offline"
      25. uqmi
      26. fi
      27. fi
      28. }
      29. function gstreamer {
      30. pidof gst-launch-1.0 >/dev/null
      31. if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
      32. sudo sh /home/pi/ &
      33. sleep 5
      34. pidof gst-launch-1.0 >/dev/null
      35. if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
      36. echo "gStremer Started"
      37. else
      38. echo 'Could`t start gStreamer'
      39. fi
      40. else
      41. echo "gStremer already running"
      42. fi
      43. }
      44. function uqmi {
      45. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --stop-network 4294967295 --autoconnect
      46. sleep 2
      47. if ! sudo uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-data-status | grep '"connected"' > /dev/null; then
      48. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --stop-network 4294967295 --autoconnect
      49. sleep 2
      50. sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --network-register
      51. echo network register
      52. sleep 3
      53. echo Connecting 4G
      54. sudo uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --start-network YOUR_APN_NAME --keep-client-id wds --autoconnect &
      55. sleep 15
      56. if ! sudo uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-data-status | grep '"connected"' > /dev/null; then
      57. echo "Not Connected!"
      58. else
      59. echo "Connected"
      60. sudo dhclient -v wwan0
      61. sleep 3
      62. CheckOnline
      63. fi
      64. else
      65. echo "Already connected to internet."
      66. echo "Check if gStreamer or APM is running, if not we start them."
      67. CheckOnline
      68. fi
      69. }
      70. function ArduPilot {
      71. pidof ArduPlane >/dev/null
      72. if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
      73. nohup sudo sh /home/pi/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
      74. sleep 5
      75. pidof ArduPlane >/dev/null
      76. if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
      77. echo "APM started"
      78. gstreamer
      79. else
      80. echo 'could`t start ArduPilot'
      81. fi
      82. else
      83. echo "APM already running"
      84. echo "Starting gStreamer"
      85. gstreamer
      86. fi
      87. }
      88. sleep 25
      89. CheckOnline
      Set Permission
      1. chmod 755

      This script is not the most glorious one ( made in a hurry) but it should give you an idea on how to set everything up.
      You are free to make a more robust version with further functionalities.

      5.1 Add to run a startupwe need to add to /etc/rc.local sudo vi /etc/rc.local
      add this line to the bottom before exit 0
      1. sudo /home/pi/./ & -------------------------------- This script is not the most glorious one ( made in a hurry) but it should give you an idea on how to set everything up. You are free to make a more robust version with further functionalities.

        5.1 Add to run a startupwe need to add to /etc/rc.local sudo vi /etc/rc.local
        add this line to the bottom before exit 0
        1. sudo /home/pi/./ &
        Reboot RPI and verify that 4G, APM code, gStreamer is running.
        At this stage you should be able to connect 4G cellular network and stream telemetry from Navio to Mission planner and
        simultaneously have video stream provided by gstreamer to your GCS.

        Now you can connect your gamepad and select Joystick tab in mission planner. Set desired function to each of the buttons and joysticks.
        This is how i have configured my Gamepad.

        FailsafeFew thing to remember before flight.
        My failsafe function is set as bellow;
        • GCS failsafe in Mission planner. When flying while using telemetry on the GCS, the autopilot can be programmed to trigger into failsafe mode if it loses telemetry. In the event that the autopilot stops receiving MAVlink (telemetry protocol) heartbeat messages for more than 20 sec, the GCS failsafe (FS_GCS_ENABL, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) will trigger the autopilot to go into long failsafe and change the flight mode to RTL
        • Set Long failsafe in mission planner. The action to take on a long (20 second) failsafe event in AUTO, GUIDED or LOITER modes. A long failsafe event in stabilization modes will always cause an RTL (ReturnToLaunch). In AUTO modes you can choose whether it will RTL or continue with the mission. If FS_LONG_ACTN is 0 then it will continue with the mission, if it is 1 then it will enter RTL mode. Note that if FS_SHORT_ACTN is 1, then the aircraft will enter CIRCLE mode after 1.5 seconds of failsafe, and will always enter RTL after 20 seconds of failsafe, regardless of the FS_LONG_ACTN setting.
        Read all about failsafe from Ardupilot

        Happy and SAFE Flying! smiley
