
AmazoniaHack: An Open Hardware Hackathon for the Amazon Rainforest

sanjanaSanjana wrote 11/06/2022 at 21:43 • 1 min read • Like

Join Earth Hacks and Libelula November 19-20 for #AmazoniaHack, an open hardware hackathon for the Amazon Rainforest! 🤖🌧🌳

This will be a fully virtual, bilingual hackathon in English and Portuguese to accelerate the development of sensing devices to combat deforestation. Participants will work together to create designs for a central circuit board, different aspects of the sensing mechanisms, managing power constraints for the device, designing secure housing for the device, networking mechanisms, and more specifications as provided by Libélula under the guidance of mentors. Winners will receive cash prizes and Thingy:53 hardware kits from Nordic semiconductor. Sound cool? Sign up here or contact with any questions! 


