
Free Bandit (tm) CNC controller (Stepper version)

carl-gilesCarl Giles wrote 05/21/2023 at 02:59 • 1 min read • Like

This machine has served a company near Asbury Park, NJ for many years.  It was taken out of service when it stopped cutting arcs.  For a while I had an Arduino Uno with GRBL controlling the stepper drivers, but now it has been replaced with an Arduino Uno/CNC Shield/Fake TB6600 stepper driver setup.

There is a large power supply and (if memory serves me correctly) 80V 7A stepper drivers inside.  The drivers have had a certain Power Darlington replaced from time to time, but were still working when it was taken out of service.

I have some original documentation, but back then it wasn't very well done.

If you want it, and can drive out to Asbury Park to pick it up, it's yours.
