
Getting started

tommy-frimanTommy Friman wrote 08/12/2016 at 10:21 • 2 min read • Like

Hey guys!

I wanted to quickly get some words out there about my latest project called "PiBo". This is what set me off on the road to sharing online as I thought it might be interesting for others to follow the progress on this project.

In short what we are doing is recycling an old RC boat that has basicly nothing but the chassis and two engines. We want to make this into PiBo no.1 - The first in the line of boats to be controlled by the PiBo development progress. Ulitmately I would like to create a system capable of navigating a 25m long steel sea vessel that has also been "recycled". This giant has a 36 litre diesel engine that was restaurated last summer 2015 and started up for the first time - after having been half filled with seawater for several years. This 25m long steel ship was salvaged from being stranded on some rocks and had the interior completely ripped out. We managed last summer to do some basic fixes to the boat and to also add a hydraulic streering system. 99% of all material used for the project is recycled.

The idea of the PiBo is to develop the software needed to set everything in motion as well as utilizing recycled stuff whenever possible. The Raspberry Pi and some other electronics will be new of course.

My hopes are that you will find interest in being a part of developing this whole thing if you like or just admiring it from a distance. This is a long term project with some mid-way goals that hopefully is going to benefit a lot of people who like to make something amazing out of nothing.

It is also a learning experience for me. I am developing all of the time as a programmer, hacker and recycler. Learning more basically, which is what doing challenging things is all about. Hopefully you will see a place for collaboration rather than competition or comparision, as life is worth so little in a world where people do not trancend the competition of ego.

I am still in the process of making the project ready for publication. Hold tight ... Project PiBo is on the horizon.

