
HACK the PLANET ! or not IKEA instead !

ricardo-pereiraRicardo Pereira wrote 01/02/2024 at 12:34 • 2 min read • Like

How to download IKEA 3d Files for your Home projects?

First, go to the IKEA website. Next, open any furniture item and check for a 3D view button near the image. If available, click it, and the site will open a GLB file, which you can import into Blender.

To save this file outside your device's cache, simply press F12, go to the network tab, and disable the cache. Then, filter all documents by size—typically, the 3D file is the largest and has a GLB extension. See the image for reference.

Right-click on it and open it in a new tab. The browser will automatically initiate the download!

After that, import this document into Blender, and it brings not only the furniture but also the manufacturer's textures. Now, you can seamlessly incorporate these pieces into your Blender projects and visualize how they enhance your designs!

