
The gist... in two parts!

int96int96 wrote 08/17/2017 at 18:01 • 4 min read • Like


I need to get back to my second love. My ART-CREATION-THINKING-BREAKING-FIXING-MAKE_IT_A_NEW-ect, ect, thing will never cease.

Computers. I can still remember the family Commodore 64, only used for games! So when we moved and all my friends gave me some games! I was young, didn't know they where copies. Hell I didn't know till way later about the demos playing on the titles of those. Any who. It was my brother who gave me that nice nudge into the computer manual, after deleting my game disc. "I know theres gotta be a way to get it back..." Well I never got those games back, but what I did do was write a nice little program that booted first from disc and asked you for some information. teehee Password protection! 

I never got rid of that bug,.' I also never stopped messing with computers after that. Well for a little while because ma and pa didn't get another computer. Different then having the latest and greatest. Nah NES took over and my love for things grew and melded together. ...Long story short. I'm still here duckduckgo ING things and reading stuffs. Trying it out, wishing I could afford it. Saving! Regretting spending some on that new game, now I must wait longer!!x Life happens! Good, ...bad, but no madder what through it all. I still have this want to know something... what it is I don't care. It's that bug feeling, that "Oh man, ...dang that's cool, how they do that. ...I want to do that"

I'm self taught by all of you! The internet. The writeUps. The youTubers. The searchAfterSearch.  The trialAndError. Call it what you want, it's all of you! 

Long story even longer now. I write this just the way it is with little spell checking. So I can come across like me. I want to get more involved in a few of the online communities I know of. I love already what I see on hackaday I'm really interested, want to be invested here. I do think it funny as more and more social medias came about, it's like I pulled away, but maybe that's just me.  

I still think of myself as a newbie. I like learning, but I also get all shining thing. I like way to many things. That why I'm putting aside a lot more. Getting back to computer, tech that grabs me. Part two of this page outline a little more. New guy here! 

Ok that's out of the way. :)


Just gonna put down a little I'm messing around with, want to work on, or just learn and get better at. I'm still getting a feel for it here at hackaday. Also being more vocal (can I say vocal) ...openly writing anything to the ...anyones who would read it!! 

  1. Linux: Love it, Hate it. Learn more, it will be LOVE IT, LOVE IT! I just know it. 
  2. Programming language : Really get into one! I always think of Python. So I can use that knowledge in Blender!  "Oh man it's good!"
  3. Embedded devices: From Openwrt on routers, to the RaspberryPi. (Kill two birds with one stone. Kinda thing with Linux.
  4. Network Security: I feel saying just network security because. It kinda just sums it up into one for me. I need to learn about Networks more, breaking, fixing, keeping them from breaking.
  5. Reverse Engineering: It's always interested me. I remember softice! Might just be the assembly langauge. Not sure but I know that the want is there. Work on getting back to it. #2 should help some (the two birds again)
  6. Online Friends: This very well may be my fault. That I don't really have a lot of friends in my day to day, that really understand and/or care about some of the passions that drive me. That's ok. To each there own. I still love them. I find myself now the guy who will just post when I know the answer. Or takes your post as a challenge, and tries to figure it out, never letting you know I failed. No more, ... or I hope to change that. So this page/post's page right!? Why I did this.

Not much a gist it feels like now. Hopefully I can come back and see this page, not want to delete it and have it as a reminder to keep at it. Get better, learn the things I want to learn. Stumble into something new and try it. Who knows ...that's the great thing about it! 

If "you" actually read this all, wow I blush. Thanks! Getting out there, is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Be it sometimes the best thing to start and do. 


p.s. No birds were harmed while writing this.

