
Taking Relativity Seriously

chipvereschipveres wrote 04/04/2024 at 19:43 • 1 min read • Like

I don't think that physicists take relativity to its logical conclusions.  For example, the deal where two entangled photons are created and separate at the speed of light.  Then one is measured at some distance.  We wonder how its partner "knows" what was measured.  But the error is in looking exclusively from the human point of view.  From its own point of view, the photon lives in a timeless, distanceless now.  Emission, travel and absorption are all the same to it.  There is no need to communicate anything.

Similarly when a particle enters a black hole.  It is supposed to create the Black Hole Information Paradox by removing information from the universe.  Of course the info hasn't been removed from the universe.  It has only been removed from human view.

This is the same basic fallacy as "Columbus Discovered America".  The number of Europeans that didn't know about it didn't make America fail to exist.

