
Having fun messing with the Heltec Esp32 w/Lora oled modules. Now how to increase range?

bosmithbosmith wrote 04/25/2018 at 14:54 • 1 min read • Like

I've been having some fun messing with my recently received Heltec Esp32 w/Lora.wifi, oled, etc.

Been testing the examples in the Arduino IDE with the espressif libs, all is working after a few setup hiccups.

As tested out of the box with the cheapo antennas and no case or shielding, I can send and receive about 1/2 mile ( .8 kilometer ), hoping to extend this range.



micsaund wrote 02/16/2021 at 22:46 point

I wish I could get half a mile.  I just started playing with a pair of these and the included "2db" antennas this weekend, and I cannot even go through one interior wall + 20 feet without losing data.  RSSI is shown as -88db on the receiver and the counter number that I'm transmitting is not reliably updated.

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