Epoxy options for holding deadbug wiring?

MakerNewbie wrote 12/16/2014 at 18:40 1 point

Hi all-

I need to deadbug wire a bunch of temperature sensors for a prototype, and would like something more robust than just the solder joint to hold the wires in place. Are there any preferred epoxy brands or types that I could use to put just a drop on each side across all the wires and posts, to hold everything in place better? I'm thinking epoxy rather than high-temp glue because my application will be exposed to higher temps than where I'm comfortable using the glue.

I also welcome any application suggestions- I need to minimize the total height (hence the deadbug instead of protoboard), so wondering if I just lay the whole thing down on wax paper, apply the epoxy and another layer of wax paper and flatten, or is there a better way?
