
NexGen Flight Simulator

cris-harrisoncris harrison wrote 03/27/2020 at 23:15 • 2 min read • Like

I first started to get my radio(s) working back June, 2014 and have gone down one rabbit hole and another.  I first got it working via the Arduino Mega's USB port, The problem you have with Linux each time you power down the radio on powering back up you  get a new I/o port. What a mess! This radio is connected to the "SLAVE" via the digital I/O pins. 

Now my "SLAVES" talk and listen for messages via ethernet from my Linux Box via the "CONTROLLER". The problem is every time I look at a solution, I get bit in the tush. ie. NASA EDIN Lite and it uses RS-485 (good), but it only has a small payload (bad).  Now RS-485 by itself might work but then I have to write the API and protocol.

Enter  CAN bus each node (ECU) could be a "Slaver" or "Master"  Some of my ECUs do things like turn on the power and the dial lights.  But  this requires a message be sent to the Controller, which in turn is passed up to the "RSS", or Radio SubSystem. The message gets acted on and If there is power and the fuse isn't blown.  Then a relay is closed in the Slave and you get  LIGHT.
