Close what is it?

goto50aiGOTO50ai wrote 09/11/2020 at 09:19 • 2 min read • Like

What is is a community to help members learn, use, share and support in Machine Vision, AI and Edge computing.

We found that within the technology community, the more we shared, the more partners, colleagues and friends were keen to share and learn too. We enable these communities to create a place where industry specialists and like-minded people can come together to be educated, share knowledge and support each other, accelerating the industry as a collective effort.

Vizi-AI which is ADLINK’s Edge Vision AI Devkit that is a bundle of hardware and software to help getting started with Vision as a sensor and creating outcomes utilising Node-RED as easy as possible, more configuration, less code. Vizi-AI is an industrial ready SMARC board with an Intel atom 3940 and the Intel Movidius Myriad X VPU, so you have all the power and software to create some real cool projects like we have on and easily scalable with the ADLINK Edge platform, or not if you a have a preferred alternative. And its currently only $199 on

I have created a community website and would love to share any blogs or guides on tools in this space, we also have a community on the site that is always interested in receiving advice and support in this space. We have a few projects available to view on, with a new collaboration with Rover Robotics coming on to hackster in the coming weeks, as well as a miniature version of our smart pallet solution with jenga blocks. 

Please do follow us on twitter join the community for Edge Ai Vision

Vizi-AI Available for $199 on (limited period)

