

womess32womess32 wrote 12/11/2020 at 09:01 • 2 min read • Like

Planning a Vegetable Garden: Crop Rotation Techniques

Gardening Tips – Planning a vegetable garden is something that most avid gardeners begin right after Christmas and continue until the ground can finally be broken in late spring. Many will begin planting seeds indoors to speed the harvest, and others will pore over seed catalogues to find the perfect carrot hybrid.

Another aspect of planning a vegetable garden that is very important in ensuring that all of your plants get the proper nutrients is crop rotation. By rotating your crops every year, you will ensure that the bid4papers remain intact in the soil, and you will greatly reduce the occurrence of soil diseases. It is not hard to work crop rotation into planning a vegetable garden as long as you start early and follow a few basic principles.

Perennials should Stay Put

Most of your vegetable garden crops are annuals, which means that they are replanted every year. These are the plants that you will consider for placement and rotation when planning a vegetable garden. Other crops will come back year after year, and these are known as perennials. Some common vegetable garden perennials include artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb. These plants will not shift position, and this should also be taken into consideration when it comes to planning a vegetable garden. In most cases, it is best to plant perennials along the side or out of the way of the rest of the crops to make crop rotation of your annuals an easier task.

