
JLCPCB - Review

roboticelectronics9roboticelectronics9 wrote 01/20/2021 at 11:37 • 7 min read • Like

JLCPCB Review | PCB review

What is PCB ?

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board. To make electronic circuits different type of things are used like Bread board, circuit board and the most advanced comes Printed circuit board. Using Bread boards or circuit boards , we cannot put huge circuits on a 10x10 chip. This huge technology has been possible only by making larger and complicated circuits on a small chip.


JLCPCB is a leading PCB manufacturer across the globe. Starting from single layered PCB boards to multi layered and different colored PCB boards. JLCPCB is a professional PCB manufacturer featured of large scale, well equipped, strict management and importantly superior quality. JLCPCB has a customer base of around 1 Million customers with more than 20,000+ online orders per day. Why don’t you also become a part of such a huge quality PCB manufacturer. JLCPCB is an authorized PCB manufacturer, It has all legal permissions and certificates to work in the respective field. To view all the certificates of JLCPCB click here.

How to order at JLCPCB

It is very easy to order on and you will get many customizable options rather than any other PCB manufacturer. 

Once you upload the gerber file, you can preview your PCB and also dimensions of PCB are shown above ( here in this case it is 29mm x47mm )

You also customize the PCB according to you, such as PCB color, surface finish, Gold fingers, Layers , thickness and other parameters.

Characteristics of the PCB in my case:

I do not require any special or additional features on my pcb.

How to upload Gerber file -


Payment Portal:

Once all the parameters are set accordingly, proceed by clicking add to cart .

then click on checkout securely and add your shipping address in next page.

Support by JLCPCB:

JLCPCB is always ready to help you out with any query, it may be any regarding technical support or order query. There is also an AI based chatbot on the website of JLCPCB

PCB Review:

Once you order on JLCPCB, you will receive the PCBs quickly based on your country.  

Solder Mask Quality:

The solder mask seems very thin in areas, and particularly around the backside copper of the heat sink portion. There were also some odd raised areas in the back side solder mask around the majority of the vias that at first I thought was because of the via’s annular ring, but after thinking about it for a moment, realized that those were vias straight into the ground plane, and that means there is no annular ring on that side.

Copper Layer Quality:

The boards all tested correctly to 1oz copper thickness and the HASL surface finish was also good.

Some Other PCB by JLCPCB:

SMT Assembly

After you design and print your PCBs, the work is really not done right 😉!!! The next step is to arrange all the components on your PCB and make your circuit or module ready working with all the components. So, it is really important to get your SMD components to be placed on your PCB. But you have to be really skilled to perform this assembly of SMD components. But don't worry, covers you 😊

image.png provides you with the service of SMT assembly at very low cost with the best quality. They have a wide range of 40k+ SMD parts. If you are excited to know, you can reach out the JLCPCB SMD library

You can reach out the JLCPCB SMT-Stencil and can check out the cost of SMT assembly for your PCB board accordingly. You can provide with the BOM (Bill of Materials) with the JLCPCB to ensure all of your components in their library required for your PCB assembly. If by chance any of the components is missed because of inventory mismatch or some malfunction, JLCPCB will refund the cost according to their terms and conditions. If any of the component in the BOM does not match the component will not be placed.

All the designs and assembling are ensured to do with greater industrial standards. As JLCPCB receives thousands of orders, they ensure to produce their services with better and optimum quality. Although the price of SMT assembly at JLCPCB is comparatively low with better quality assurance.


This is a best option to manufacture your PCBs. I prefer this option with JLCPCB because professional PCB’s are created at very low cost 10 PCB’s at 2 dollars, each pcb at 0.20 dollars … We could never manually do it for that price and even SMT assembly at this quality.

Allow to select the finish, the incredible black color, the quality of the PCB’s and the impeccable serigraphy.

I’m really happy with the service provided by JLCPCB, in a very short time I made a prototype according to my own requirements and functionality.

I recommend this service as they mention on their page

Regarding the design, you can use any platform that allows you to generate the gerber file, maybe in the next tutorials you will do it from KiCAD, Eagle will use it some years ago but for now I will try to use Open source.

Checkout the facebook page of JLCPCB

