Compatible Bulbs & Remotes (LimitlessLED - MiLight - EasyBulb)

Atomik Controller Technical Details

Operating System:

Software Dependencies:

Hardware Setup:


Atomik API Details

The Atomik API accepts JSON Commands on Port 4200 of the Atomik Controller to control the Atomik lighting Zones. Atomik API Remotes are setup, and applied to Zones from within the Atomik Controller web administration GUI. Atomik Api Remotes only have two types of commands, List and Issue. List will accept JSON that contains a valid username and password and return a JSON list of all the available zones and their current settings to the user. Issue will accept JSON that contains a valid username and password along with zone light settings, then it will update the light settings and return a JSON list of all the available zones along with the updates zone information from the Issued command. If command is not accepted or invalid credentials are passed to the Atomik API, an error JSON is returned.

All Commands are posted to '' ( or the IP Address of the controller )

Here are some example commands:

List Command - JSON Request Example:


List Command - JSON Response:

 { "ZoneName":"Bedroom", "Configuration":{ "Channel":"0", "Status":"1", "ColorMode":"0", "Brightness":"100", "Color":"198", "WhiteTemp":"2700" }}
 { "ZoneName":"Living Room", "Configuration":{ "Channel":"1", "Status":"1", "ColorMode":"1", "Brightness":"100", "Color":"0", "WhiteTemp":"2700" }}
 { "ZoneName":"Hallway", "Configuration":{ "Channel":"2", "Status":"0", "ColorMode":"1", "Brightness":"100", "Color":"0", "WhiteTemp":"6500" }}

Issue Command - JSON Request Example:


Issue Command - JSON Response:

 {"ZoneName":"Bedroom", "Configuration":{"Channel":"0", "Status":"1", "ColorMode":"0", "Brightness":"96", "Color":"221", "WhiteTemp":"6500"}}
 {"ZoneName":"Living Room", "Configuration":{"Channel":"1", "Status":"1", "ColorMode":"1", "Brightness":"68", "Color":"215", "WhiteTemp":"6500"}}
 {"ZoneName":"Hallway", "Configuration":{"Channel":"2", "Status":"1", "ColorMode":"1", "Brightness":"18", "Color":"215", "WhiteTemp":"6500"}}

Invalid Request - JSON Error Response Example:

{"Error": "Invalid Username or Password"}

Notes on Atomik JSON Requests and Response:

Testing the API with cURL:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"Command":"Issue","User":"rahimk","Password":"password","Configuration":{"Channel":"2","Status":"1","Brightness":"10","ColorMode":"1","Color":"215","WhiteTemp":"6500"}}'

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"Command":"List","User":"rahimk","Password":"password"}'

References & Thanks