
KCP53000B Processor Specs Drafted

A project log for Kestrel Computer Project

The Kestrel project is all about freedom of computing and the freedom of learning using a completely open hardware and software design.

samuel-a-falvo-iiSamuel A. Falvo II 03/16/2019 at 03:141 Comment

Per the last project log, I will be working on a revision of the KCP53000 suitable for proving the Kestrel-3 design.  As with all things on this scale of complexity, I'm starting out by drafting a crude set of specifications that'll help guide the development.  You can find the specs here:


Wladimir van der Laan wrote 04/09/2019 at 07:29 point

Very cool work, I like the concise but clear description of the RISC-V ISA architecture and registers and what applies to which CPU type, it's so unlike commercial vendor docs nowadays.

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