
Emotional agent

A project log for Humanoid robot named Murphy

Created to explore new ways of artificial intelligence

m-bindhammerM. Bindhammer 04/13/2016 at 17:112 Comments

This log starts with the so called circumplex model of affect. Re-drawn and simplified model:

You might notice, that this model implicates the use of the KNN algorithm immediately. More formally: let the sample space be a 2-dimensional Euclidean space IR², the center coordinates (0,0) and the radius r IR > 0, then our classes are located at:


A remark about Pleasure and Activation before we continue: Activation could be seen as a kind of entropy of the robot in a physical sense, depending for instance on the ambient light level and temperature. Pleasure could be seen as a success rate of a given task the robot has to fulfill or to learn.

The distance between two points in a 2-dimensional Euclidean space is given by

which follows directly from the Pythagorean theorem.

With the defined boundaries we get a maximum distance between a class point and a new sample point of:

Here is a little sketch I wrote to demonstrate how the emotional agent works:

const float r = 5.0; 

void setup() {
  Emotional_agent(5, 0);

void loop() { 

void Emotional_agent(float x_P, float y_A) {
  if(x_P < - r) x_P = - r; // limit the range of x_P and y_A
  else if(x_P > r) x_P = r;
  if(y_A < - r) y_A = - r;
  else if(y_A > r) y_A = r;
  float emotion_coordinates[2][9] = {
    {0.0,  0.0, r, - r, 0.0, r/sqrt(2.0), - r/sqrt(2.0), r/sqrt(2.0), - r/sqrt(2.0)}, // x-coordinate of training samples
    {0.0,  r, 0.0, 0.0, -r, r/sqrt(2.0), r/sqrt(2.0), - r/sqrt(2.0), -r/sqrt(2.0)} // y- coordinate of training samples
  char *emotions[] = {"neutral", "vigilant", "happy", "sad", "bored", "excited", "angry", "relaxed", "depressed"};
  byte i_emotion; 
  byte closestEmotion;
  float MaxDiff;
  float MinDiff = sqrt(2.0) * r + r; //set MinDiff initially to maximum distance that can occure
  for (i_emotion = 0; i_emotion < 9; i_emotion ++) { 
    // compute Euclidean distances
    float Euclidian_distance = sqrt(pow((emotion_coordinates[0][i_emotion] - x_P),2.0) + pow((emotion_coordinates[1][i_emotion] - y_A),2.0));
    MaxDiff = Euclidian_distance;
    // find minimum distance 
    if (MaxDiff < MinDiff) {
      MinDiff = MaxDiff;
      closestEmotion = i_emotion;


M. Bindhammer wrote 04/17/2016 at 07:21 point

As far as I know the famous emotional robot 'Kismet' used a similar matrix. The robot can only express emotions mentioned in the matrix, using the KNN algorithm to find the closed match. I once wrote a little simulation where I used brightness and sound to manipulate the emotions of a virtual robot, see

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borazslo wrote 04/17/2016 at 05:10 point

I am excited about this emotion matrix. I hope you will write more details later on, how a robot can express for example an emotion of (0.5r,0.5r).

What do you think to make the default/basic emotion somewhere around (0.7r,0.3r)? I prefer a robot which is most likely to be happy than neural. :)

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