
...and WiFi

A project log for explorad

Work in progress: The explorad combines a microcontroller, a display, and star charts in a head-up display for astronomical telescopes.

christophChristoph 07/05/2014 at 17:420 Comments

I've added the CC3000 module quite some time ago, but couldn't use it along with the SD card and my DMA display driver - all use the SPI. SD card and display cooperated, but the CC3000 did something the other drivers didn't like. So I created a small, almost brain-dead library that can save and restore SPI settings and voilá - all three are working.

The remaining huge problem is that the adafruit library for the CC3000 doesn't seem to support non-blocking operations. I cannot try to update my display 25 times per second, read data from the SD card between frame updates and wait for a ping response that takes 200 ms. A delay function that takes negative arguments would be cool now...
