
The idea, the making and more (a-less)

A project log for Arduino Tester

I started making my own Arduino(UNO)-compatible boards, and felt the need for an "automated" tester for it. I then came up with a shield!!!

clovis-fritzenClovis Fritzen 03/26/2016 at 04:380 Comments

For this first log I would like to point that I have already made this "product" work; it is sitting in the bench right now pumping i2C and analog input data through the ATMEGA328 serial port.

My inspiration to create this tester came from a recent "desk of ladyada" series of videos featuring/advertising their proudly home-made testers for the Feather board series:

I have worked in the electronics assembly industry for years, and know how outdated and slow are the current board testers out there; this is why I value and appreciate Ladyada's efforts and willingness to share info on their home-mad raspbery-pi based modern testers.
