
Added some more links, and what I'm working on now.

A project log for Electrospinning Machine

Bring an open source electrospinning machine to the hobbyist level. Made with easily sourced and inexpensive materials.

douglas-millerDouglas Miller 06/08/2016 at 19:080 Comments

I added three more links that you might find interesting and might get the creative juices flowing.

The more I work with the machine the more I like it. But it does have a few little things that need tweaked. One of those is in the changing of the tubing. To put it bluntly, it sucks.

The tubing going from the syringe to the nozzle is pretty much a consumable item. It's cheap enough and easy to get that you won't feel bad about throwing it away every few runs. Hell, it's almost easier to just toss it instead of flushing it out. But the way it's set up now that's somewhat not so easy to do.

So right now I'm printing a couple of more pieces that should make it a breeze, just twist and lower the nozzle mount and pull the tubing off. Far, far easier than what I've been doing. I'll get some pictures of it as soon as they're done and installed. Well, as soon as I find out they work as is and don't need anymore tweaking.

Meanwhile, browse through the links I added and see what you think. So many possibilities and so little time. Hell, I need about two hundred people playing with these things just to get through everything I got lined up now, and I'm still digging up more uses for it! ::)
