I was think to make some better dashboard, to fit nicely with throttle, and i think i will work on it bike ring bell. I buy 1$ ring bell and i remove all parts except finger thumb. That finger thumb i will use for analog throttle, im thinking to use hall sensor to read magnetic field or maybe i will use something other. In images bellow you will see how look PCB and how all that fit in ring bell.
I will make 3D print for cap of this ring bell because i want to use 3 buttons and display so all that will fit nicely inside.
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Yea @K.C. Lee, you catch me too tired today i didn't notice that. I was not start this board from scratch, i just use Dashboard Pedaless v1.1 (still not published on project log) and adjust to ring bell. But thanks i will fix that in next version.
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If you rotate the WIFI connector 180 degrees and move it a bit towards the left, then you could route the other 2 connections without jumpers.
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