
External design

A project log for Open Source Multimeter

A relatively low-cost but full-featured and safe multimeter.

karl-sKarl S 04/13/2016 at 01:532 Comments

I intend to have a fairly traditional multimeter external design, but with a few changes:

For a start, I don't have access to custom LCD screens like commercial ones do, so I can't do that. I do still want to have multiple pieces of information displayed at once, so that eliminates a 7-segment display. I will probably go for an alphanumeric display, although a graphic display may actually be better (that way I can have varying text sizes and such) – I'll look into it further when I get to that stage. The alphanumeric display gives a minimum width, and unfortunately it is wider than I'd like (especially when I allow as much room around it as I did – that concept render is 120 mm high and 100 mm wide).

I'll stick with a mechanical rotary switch for the main function switching. I'm not sure whether it'll be something I buy, or whether it'll be some tracks on the PCB as in most if not all commercial multimeters.

For any buttons, they'll be above the rotary switch, on either side of it. I'm currently thinking of capacitive touch sensing, with a dip or ridge in the case to show their location.

For my prototype I'll make the case out of wood. What I'd really like is aluminium with a suitable insulating layer inside, but I don't think I can manage that (I could mill it out of a solid block, but that would be extremely wasteful and also expensive). But whatever it is, in addition to looking OK it needs to be reasonably strong (both for if it gets dropped, and if a fuse blows with a very high current) and have the outside well insulated from the circuit.


Jari wrote 04/21/2016 at 16:30 point

How about using thick pcb material as structural component of case? Its tough and very good insulator. Also, if someone ia already making their own pcb, they probably have access to pcb material. 

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Karl S wrote 04/21/2016 at 22:40 point

That's a great idea. Eventually I hope to provide a few suggestions for how to make a case (rather than one fixed design), and one will have panels for the sides – and that will be one suggestion for what to use. Others would be routing it out of wood, or casting fibreglass (which your suggestion gave me the idea for, thanks).

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