
Thinking again, time for a new design.

A project log for Raptor12 Wireless AC Dimmer

Christmas, Halloween light string controller that is wireless, 12channel dimmable AC controller, with an AVR for $30

kingofkyatravis-kKingOfKYA(Travis K. ) 05/07/2014 at 22:050 Comments

Doing some more thinking, everything is moving to led.....

Currently bom for just triacs is about:
$6 with triac
$4 for SCRs + rectifier

Automagicly converts leds to full wave.
Incandescent bulbes don't care

Led strings can be plugged in backwards.(wont light but can't destroy anything)
Added heat from rectifier.
Is there any other good reason not to go the cheaper route?

and no need for mods this.

My though process:

Its one of thouse things where, you step back and ask your self what am i really trying to accomplish. Rather than just copy everyone else.

Another potential issue i just though off some half wave strings are reversed in the middle. Granted i think that an easy thing to fix with some heat shrink and solder.

02-19-2014, 10:37 PM
