
Hardware revision 2.0

A project log for FPGATED

Reimplement the TED chip of Commodore 264 series in FPGA

istvn-hegedsIstván Hegedűs 05/14/2022 at 20:102 Comments

Dear followers,

I know it has been a long time now I last posted update on this project, however I can assure everyone that this project is not dead. As everyone knows there is a global chip shortage which impacts the commercial release of FPGATED. Unfortunately at the moment the prices and delivery times of FPGAs are not making this replacement a cost effective solution.

In the meantime I have redesigned it to v2 HW version using a smaller BGA chip and a HDMI connector. Also the bus switch I have used is End  of Sale so I had to redesign it using TI chip for voltage translation.

At the moment I am in the challenge of hand soldering it and then test the HDMI output. When ready I will post more pictures and video about it. 

After that the production can start and I want to make it available. In order to make it even more cost effective I am planning to shift to Spartan7 FPGA in v3 version (which I am currently unavailable to procure even for prototyping).

Please be patient.


Giovanni wrote 06/11/2022 at 21:58 point

Awesome! I really hope it will be available for purchase!

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Jeff Cale wrote 06/09/2022 at 04:27 point

Great job! Keep my fingers crossed! I hope your TED will go to production soon!

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