
Part 5: Casio 2nd octave modification

A project log for MiniWI woodwind MIDI controller

Small and light Arduino Pro Mini based wind controller with DIN-5 MIDI output and fingering based on the AKAI EWI.

johan-berglundJohan Berglund 05/31/2016 at 11:130 Comments

I was considering ripping the guts out of my broken Casio DH-200 Digital Horn and replacing them with a MiniWI circuitry. Keeping the octave switching as is would be very limiting if using the reduced EWI fingering of the MiniWI, so I had another look at the Casio fingering chart because I had a vague recollection of some differences in the higher note fingerings.

Actually, it turned out to be like this – if LH1 isn't pressed while LH2 and LH3 are, you play the 2nd octave. For example LH2+LH3+RH1 would be F in the 2nd octave. To make this work with the existing fingering formula I had to change the conditions for the bis key, removing LH1 from that part, otherwise the bis key would affect the Casio fingerings. Don't see any drawbacks in doing that so far.

So, what I did was to put a define in the beginning of the code for easy choosing between the EWI or the Casio modified fingerings...

#define casioMod 1      // Extra notes on top Casio DH style

...then I replaced the calculation in the readSwitches function with this:

//calculate midi note number from pressed keys
if (casioMod){
    fingeredNote=startNote-2*LH1-(LHb && !LH2)-LH2-(LH2 && LH1)-2*LH3+LHp1-LHp2+(RHs && !LHp1)-RH1-(RH1 && LH3)-RH2-2*RH3+RHp1-RHp2-2*RHp3+12*OCTup-12*OCTdn+9*(!LH1 && LH2 && LH3);
} else {
    fingeredNote=startNote-2*LH1-(LHb && !(LH1 && LH2))-LH2-(LH2 && LH1)-2*LH3+LHp1-LHp2+(RHs && !LHp1)-RH1-(RH1 && LH3)-RH2-2*RH3+RHp1-RHp2-2*RHp3+12*OCTup-12*OCTdn;

Seems to work just fine. It will probably be a very nice addition when I build the touch key control only TeensieWI later on. And of course a given should I decide to modify my broken Casio horn.

I put together a chart with the most useful fingerings including the new Casio fingerings using Bret Pimentel's Fingering Diagram builder:

Also made a chart more representative of the MiniWI look. Less friendly to the eyes? I don't know... putting it here anyways.

If you note the look of the pinky finger keys is different from before, this is how they will look in the next prototype. I'm wrapping them around the other side and cutting them shorter to avoid accidentally touching LH pinky key with my right hand.

The fingering changes have been added to the MiniWI-cap-pmt.ino on Github.
