
Third version of gravity powered motor

A project log for RelayRepRap

This project is about exploring whether it is possible to make a RepRap control system that can be made by a RepRap.

willstevenswill.stevens 09/10/2016 at 21:350 Comments

This is a slight refinement of the second version. The length of the motor has been shortened a little (without changing the cog size). In the second version I had glued the two sides of the motor together with the help of off-cuts from old discarded 3D prints, this version has joining components to help snap the two sides together (but they still need gluing). The solenoid nail is now directly connected (glued) to the escapement mechanism, rather than being joined with a thread. OpenSCAD files for this version of the motor can be found here.

The video below shows the motor stepping at about 8 steps per second.
