
Design and boilerplate

A project log for Libre University Research

An place for Scientifics to publish their pre-release and peer-reviewed research papers for all humanity to see.

francisco-presenciaFrancisco Presencia 06/14/2016 at 20:500 Comments

I started by preparing NPM and the Node.js server and creating the boilerplate for the module. Since I am creating a new section of an ongoing project, this was not so difficult but still I preferred rewriting a bit of the base for easier development for future hackers.

For instance, now to run the project in development mode a developer just has todo:

npm run watch

While before an obscure file in ./scripts/ had to be called with a lot of custom logic.

Besides that, the boilerplate has been created in ./modules/research, a small REST API:

// Routing
var controller = require('./controller');

module.exports = function(router){

  router.get('/research', controller.index);
  router.get('/research/:id', controller.get);'/research', controller.add);'/research/:id', controller.edit);

  return router;
The Controller however is rather simple, with no model reference yet:
module.exports.index = function(req, res){
module.exports.get = function(req, res){
module.exports.add = function(req, res){
module.exports.edit = function(req, res){
And the views are a simple "works!" that is not work even showing here. This version with the files can be seen in the Github commit files.

On the other hand, I have also started with the design.

The index.jade view will look like this:And when you want to upload a single file it will looks like this:

So there you go, first design. A basic layout on paper and the boilerplate to start working on the project. More updates soon.
