
Ground Work Complete

A project log for Garage Door RFID Key

After seeing a similar project on Hack-a-Day I decided to attempt to implement it in my own house with similar hardware.

faultykylefaultykyle 05/23/2014 at 12:000 Comments

So it's been about two weeks since I decided I was going to complete this project. In that time I have ported the original project's code over to the equipment I will be ordering. I won't be utilising the same RFID reader as the original project as I was attempting to use one that was an Arduino shield.

I've decided to purchase the NFC Shield 2.0 from Seeedstudio. I've ordered many parts from Seeed in the past and was originally directed there through Dangerous Prototypes. I currently have my own Arduino Uno (and a Nano) and many electrical components.

As luck would have it I just recently dropped a rather large amount of money on a new couch and am waiting for the next month to roll in before purchasing anything new (I know it's less than $50...). 

So to pass the time, I've been testing my ported code (without really having anything to actually test it on) and have wired up a momentary switch to my garage door to enable me to exit my garage on my bike rides without having to sprint to get out before the door closes on me.

I'll be updating this project once I've made my order and my new toys have arrived.
