
First Demo Video

A project log for Project Stark Framework

This is a YET ANOTHER attempt at an "Iron Man" Jarvis-like system

robweberrobweber 06/06/2016 at 22:330 Comments

I wanted to get some kind of video on here to demo what the system can do so it didn't look like vaporware. I had these two videos from about a year ago that at least give an idea of how the system is meant to operate.

What are you seeing?

These videos showcase a few things, even though they are short. What you seeing is my main living area TV running the Kodi Media Center. As noted in the "Integrations" section, Stark is connected to Kodi via the JSON-RPC interface. This allows for Stark to both send and retrieve information about what Kodi is doing. On the Kodi instance there is also a custom add-on running that sends events from Kodi to Stark. This is an example of a very simple Stark client in that it sends basic info about Kodi as well as allows the Stark voice feature to play out of the TV speakers.

In the first video I'm using the voice-to-text feature on my Android phone to ask Stark if the movie "The Dark Knight" exists. It uses the Kodi integration module to find out if this exists in the database. After confirming that it does I can then tell Stark to "play it". It knows what video I'm referring to via the context of the conversation. The details of how this text is converted to an action I'll cover in another post.

In the second video I'm now in my office. Telling Stark that I'm now watching TV in the office area triggers a Kodi Addon called "Send To" via the Kodi Module. This sends the currently playing video from my living room TV to my office TV, keeping the current place in the video.

