
Step Zero... Simulating MoCap data

A project log for PiMoCap

Turning an RPI into a MoCap Camera. Functional *and* Delicious...

bit-meddlerBit Meddler 07/04/2016 at 10:440 Comments

Ok, so before I can write the code to do the work, I need a couple of tests to validate / benchmark against.

Three problems:

  1. Detecting Blobs, and the resulting X,Y position + other data being true or close enough
  2. Bench-marking efficiency - using the same data and timing the processing steps will highlight areas to improve, flag diminishing returns on over optimized parts
  3. Experimenting with 'tracking'. In a sequence of blobs, being able to assign an arbitrary ID to each blob and maintain these IDs sensibly as they move

In order to generate this bench-marking data, I will simulate some 'dots' moving around, render them to an image, drop out the image, and save the dots 'actual' X,Y location and UID.

At this stage, I am pretty much defining the file format the whole MoCap system will record to.
