
Android VLC Remote Foreign Language Mod

Why I wish more android apps were open source, and maybe some tips on how to customize everything.

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The extent of my work is contained in two patches. The first which adds the subtitle delay and add subtitle menu options. And the second which is some bespoke user interface changes.

New unified patch with added screen shot feature. update.diff

  • Build Instruction 3

    linus05/28/2014 at 23:45 0 comments

    Ack-grep is awesome. If you haven't given it a try, you should. The syntax and usage are intuitive and easy. Check out build instruction 3 for the output of my first search and how easy it was to get started. Also there is another simple example of how to use ack-grep and a text editor to customize anything. Just find the command you want to change, swap it out and recompile. 

  • While we're in there...

    linus05/28/2014 at 23:29 0 comments

    GUI changes: Swapped the track buttons for seek and removed the stop. Changed the now playing info from artist, album and track to filename. Removed volume control. Shortened tab names to prevent wrapping. Screenshots 3 and 4. Apply the same as above.

  • Motivation

    linus05/28/2014 at 23:22 0 comments

    If you watch many foreign language films, from the internet, you may have notice subtitle timing can be pesky. So, that is where I started, by adding the delay buttons to the drop down menu. After that the next logical step is selecting an alternate subtitle file. Because we all know the best subtitles aren't always included with the version of the film you want to watch. You can see these features in the first two screenshots. If you want to give it a try; save build instruction one as a file and run "patch -p0 < foreignmod.diff" from the directory containing the original source code folder.

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
  • 2
    Step 2
  • 3
    Step 3

    linus@1015PX:~/project$ ack-grep aspect


    44: <item>@string/aspect_ratio</item>

    50: <item>aspect-ratio</item>


    54: <string name="aspect_ratio">Aspect ratio</string>


    57: <string name="aspect_ratio">Relación de aspecto</string>


    120: options.add(":sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=384,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,channels=2,fps=25,venc=x264{profile=baseline,keyint=50,bframes=0,no-cabac,ref=1,vbv-maxrate=4096,vbv-bufsize=1024,aq-mode=0,no-mbtree,partitions=none,no-weightb,weightp=0,me=dia,subme=0,no-mixed-refs,no-8x8dct,trellis=0,level1.3},vfilter=canvas{width=320,height=180,aspect=320:180,padd},senc,soverlay}:rtp{sdp=rtsp://,caching=4000}}");


    Changing Ubuntu Sound Indicator to load Pulse Audio Volume Control instead of gnome-control-center sound.

    sudo apt-get build-dep indicator-sound
    apt-get source indicator-sound

    linus@1015PX:~/project$ ack-grep gnome-control


    41:Recommends: unity-control-center | gnome-control-center | ubuntu-system-settings | pavucontrol,


    235: * Recommending gnome-control-center first.

    633: - open the new sound-nua panel in gnome-control-center


    216:cmd = "gnome-control-center sound";

    dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc
    sudo dpkg -i indicator-sound_12.10.2+14.04.20140401-0ubuntu1_i386.deb

View all 3 instructions

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