
UART controlled stepper driver

A simple ATmega that controll up to 16 steppers without changing any code.

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I want to use some steppers to build a robot but I realize that the 40 pins on my Rasberry Pi are not enough, but I also got no programmer so I used the Pi. Because I dont want to write a new Programm for the ATmega everytime I change something I made it complety configureable over UART.

The Goal is to control many steppers without using all Pins from the Raspberry. the AVR has 35 IO pins but I only use 32, so you can use 8 4-pin stepper or 16 2-pin stepper. (And of course mixed variants)


The AVR is starting and sends an aline message, then you can add stepper with 2 to 4 pins. The pins are chooseable so if I have a free pin I can use them (where ever the pin is)


This is the Hexfile with the Programm for the AT

hex - 10.24 kB - 01/15/2017 at 15:28


  • 1 × ATmega162 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × something with an UART I used my Raspberry Pi

  • Finding out whats going wrong...

    MCenderdragon01/15/2017 at 15:27 0 comments

    Most of the Time the communication workt but sometimes the send bytes were wrong. But I dont know why. I recently found out it was the baud rate. 9800 was to much, I changed it to 2400 and it works great. It seems like the intern OC is not good enough for faster bauds but due to 2ms of wating time between each step (from the motor) this is ok

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