It is sad to have an Arduino to drive 1 sensor (you pay 5% of the capability of an Arduino :P). So my project is used to drive a lot of sensors and LED (300 LEDs) for a sky plate.
This is what I want to see:
- 4-5 clouds
- stars/rainbow
- music (lullaby or thunder/storm effect)
- clock for alarms
How to control:
- IR-remote (need to see if I can use it without interrupts, disabled for the LEDs)
- BT connection for the phone
- accelerometer on the clouds
- microphone to detect a double clap
Arduino Mega 2560
Main module
ADXL335 Accelerometer
To detect the cloud position
DFPlayer mini
Module to play MP3s
HX1838 VS1838 IR remote
To control the sky with a remote
HC-05 module
To control the sky with smartphone