I've been doing more tinkering with this.
So, when the project paused a few years ago, I'd disassembled the old v5 Tricorder to begin building the first v6. That's where I stalled out. So for now I've reassembled the v5 with a couple different parts, gotten the code moved ahead a half-step and gotten almost everything working again. The new code's attached to the project "OHITricorder-4O.10d-forM4" and it's running with publicly up-to-date libraries.
Main hardware changes:
- Moved from a Feather M0 to a Feather M4. This drastically changed how fast the unit ran and was nearly a drop-in replacement. The only code change needed was for the battery sense pin.
- Changed out a few sensor breakout boards: BME280 to BMP280, other changes that are just replacement parts but the same part.
Main code changes are:
- Updated to get almost all functions working again (component list will be updated to reflect this)
- Beginning to refine UI, ATM, LUM, MEC and RAD have gotten some work. ATM in particular got some changes so the Grideye can be easily moved or resized if need be. MEC has max readings displayed now.
- Removed SD card logging for now, since I changed to the Feather M4 Express from the M0 Adalogger there's no wired-up card slot. There's one on the TFT but it needs to be wired in, this is a likely future task.
I've also been messing with new sensors like the MLX90640 thermal camera (24x32 thermal pixels) and the M4 is plenty fast to run it but I'll need to give it it's own scan mode I think. That sensor waiting for the other ATM sensors kinda makes it a bit rough to use. I'm also looking at how to integrate a BME680 into it, replacing the BMP280. This would add humidity and basic air quality measurement. To do this it'll likely take splitting the current BMP280+MPU9250 breakout into two boards for ATM and 9DOF. Another thing to look at later on.
I'll update again when there's enough

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