
Repair a LipSync Night

A project log for LipSync

An assistive tech which allows quadriplegics to use touchscreen mobile devices using a mouth-operated joystick with sip and puff controls

makers-making-changeMakers Making Change 11/30/2017 at 23:540 Comments

On Monday, December 4th, we'll be at Vancouver Hack Space to fix some LipSyncs. We've held a number of buildathons over the past year at schools, at corporate team-building events, and in makerspaces. Some of the LipSyncs built at these events need a bit more work before they are released into the wild.

If you can solder, have some technical troubleshooting skills, and have some time, help us fix a LipSync or two!

Makers working on LipSync parts

Above: Makers working on LipSync parts at a previous build event

RSVP on the Meetup page. Come any time, for as long as you are able.

When: Monday, December 4th, 12pm - 10pm
Where: Vancouver Hack Space, #104-1715 Cook Street Vancouver, BC V5Y 3J6
