
ATIA Maker Day

A project log for LipSync

An assistive tech which allows quadriplegics to use touchscreen mobile devices using a mouth-operated joystick with sip and puff controls

makers-making-changeMakers Making Change 02/01/2018 at 23:290 Comments

The ATIA conference has been on for nearly 20 years, but this is the first time it includes an ATIA Maker Day. It’s a great opportunity for both newcomers and seasoned makers to dive into the maker community.

The ATIA Maker Day is powered by, which is run by Bill Binko. Bill is a phenomenal maker – we’ve even 3D-printed some of his designs in our lab.

Click on the image below to watch a video introducing the ATIA Maker Day:

A screen capture of the ATIA Maker Day video featuring Bill Binko

Drop by if you are able and learn about soldering, 3D-printing, switches, and a lot more (it's free)!

When: February 3rd, 9:00am to noon

Where: Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center, Orlando, Florida
