
Setting Sail

A project log for SS Minnow - 8-bit Game Console

Building an 8-bit game console based off of the 6502 and an ATMega 162 (for advanced I/O) .

trappermcferrontrapper.mcferron 04/17/2018 at 05:030 Comments

This is my first entry - I started working on this ~ Nov 2017. 

I have a bread boarded motherboard (see the youtube link) which seems to work, and I just sent off for the PCB. 

For now my test code does this:

  1. The Professor reads raw controller input and packs it up for Gilligan. 
  2. Gilligan consumes it and creates a string based packet he sends to the Professor. 
  3. The Professor then writes it to serial out.

The Professor will normally do controller reading and packet updating every VSYNC from The Ocean.. but right now it gets the interrupt from it's own 30hz watchdog timer.

The schematics and raw details can be found in the github repo.

Here's a rendering of the pcb I'm expecting...
