
Formative Study

A project log for VizLens: A Screen Reader for the Real World

VizLens uses crowdsourcing and computer vision to robustly and interactively help blind people use inaccessible interfaces in the real world

anhong-guoAnhong Guo 09/29/2016 at 04:380 Comments

We conducted several formative studies to better understand how blind people currently access and accommodate inaccessible interfaces. We first went to the home of a blind person, and observed how she cooked a meal and used home appliances. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with six blind people (aged 34-73) about their appliances use and strategies for using inaccessible appliances. Using a Wizard-of-Oz approach, we asked participants to hold a phone with one hand and move their finger around a microwave control panel. We observed via video chat and read aloud what button was underneath their finger.

We extracted the following key insights, which we used in the design of VizLens:
