
UV water purifier

The goal of this project is to make a frugal water purifier

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We build a portable water cleaning device which can be use in emergency situations like floods. Our device uses a UV light system to purifie the water.

Projet Waterproof.docx

here is a weekly description of what we did

document - 1.92 MB - 06/13/2018 at 19:38


  • 1
    electric circuit

    Instead of using a real UV light for the project we decided to use blue LED's for our project. The wires are connected to the LED's and connected to the dynamo through a USB cable. We used  four 500 ohm resistors in our circuit as you can see. 
  • 2

    We build a drawstring to make the circuit waterproof and a part of the USB cable.
  • 3
    UV light

    Now you have to take the circuit with the LEDS and insert them on the plastic bag. The USB cable is power up by an external battery ( 5V)

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