

A boat dragging all the rubbish of a basin or a lake

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In relationship with the water cleaning, industry innovation and infrastruture, sustainable cities and communities (Sustainable Development Goals), our aim is to create an invention permiting to clean a river like the Seine.

  • 1 × arduino dodging obstacle sensor
  • 1 × water pump
  • 1 × thin net (mosquito net)
  • 1 × bucket
  • 1 × water filter

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  • Boat conception logbook

    marsan.meneberre05/14/2018 at 14:41 0 comments

    Here is our project logbook:

    Session 1:

    After formed the group and chosen our work team mates,we have chosen the SDG who interested us the most: clean water, life below water, industrie innovation and infrastruture, sustainable cities and comunities, reponsible consuption and production. Then, we have reflected on a problem to answer.

    Session 2:

    We thought about a project to answer to our SDG's by inspirating of famous SDG projects linked to our themes.

    Session 3:

    We sent the 1st order list after thinking about the problem we would like to solve.

    Session 4:

    We got the material that we ordered first and we verified if the stuff was efficient and if it missed more stuff

     Session 5:

    We draw the design of our "roomba boat" and sent the 2nd order list. We also reflected on a precise organisation of each elements on the boat and thought about how to synchronise the arduino sensor to the boat gamepad.

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  • 1
    concept of a roomba boat

    Our idea was to control an electrical boat relied to a bucket with a pipe. The bucket would float thanks an air chamber and contain a net above a water filter.It would be connected to the boat by way of a water pump.

    Furthermore,  an arduino dodging obstacle sensor linked to the gamepad of the boat would permit to the boat  to  sail as a roomba robot.

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