
5/10 - First Meeting

A project log for Modular Universal Jamming Gripper

Universal 3D printed gripper for robotics.

ian-altobelliIan Altobelli 05/29/2018 at 17:580 Comments

We started the meeting be thoroughly examining the challenge and brainstorming possible ideas. After some careful thought, the team decided that some grabbing/claw mechanism would be the best route to pursue. Next, each team member did his own research and formulated unique ideas. The team then reconvened to discuss the options. Ultimately the team decided to prototype a vacuum powered coffee and balloon grabber. Next, materials that were laying around were gathered and the prototyping process began. After a couple of hours of experimenting, it was decided that the grabber had potential and the team decided to officially name it as their entry.

An early prototype and a team member doing research
