
Adding a System Information Server

A project log for VoiceBox

Adding a Flask web interface (and other stuff) to the Google AIY Voice Kit.

tmTM 07/31/2018 at 16:500 Comments

As a first step, we're going to add a systemd process to provide system information via a flask web interface. This means that if your Pi's local IP address is (say), you'll be able to browse to from any machine on your local network and see your Pi's uptime, CPU temperature and other info.

The code we're using is a very lightly modified copy of Ashok Raja'a excellent system info code. The zip file also includes  a Javascript routine to sort table entries (for displaying process info) by Stuart Langridge, and css style sheets by Dave Gameche. I know next to nothing about HTML, CSS & Javascript so I'm very happy to be able to stand on the shoulders of these three gentlemen.

To install, unzip the contents of into directory /home/pi/Python, creating a new sub-directory "sysinfo", with descendants "static" and "templates". (If you change this location, you'll have to change the contents of sysinfo.service to match.)

You'll need to use "sudo" to copy/edit the sysinfo.service file into the directory /lib/systemd/system and give the file the correct permissions by running

sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/sysinfo.service

When this is done, you can force systemd to read the new file by entering

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

and you can then start the service by running

sudo systemctl enable sysinfo.service

You can check on the status of the service by running

sudo systemctl status sysinfo.service

Now you can browse to <your Pi's IP address>:9010 to view the system info. You can also visit <your Pi's IP address>:9010/cpu_temperature for a cut down screen showing just CPU temperature that refreshes every 15 seconds.

Why port ":9010"? PiHole was arbitrarily set to port ":9012" (to match its project id) and the other web services have been numbered to fit around it. Change the port number in if you have a conflict (or want to use your lucky number).
