
GNU Radio Hack Chat Transcript

A event log for GNU Radio Hack Chat

Derek Kozel will be joining us in the Hack Chat to talk about GNU Radio. Bring your questions and comments.

eric-mortensenEric Mortensen 08/31/2018 at 20:150 Comments

Eric Mortensen3:13 PM
So, we're lucky to have a sizable GNU Radio contingent here today, and I'd love it if everyone involved could write a little about who they are and what they do within the org.

Tom Nardi joined  the room.3:14 PM

Wetwork joined  the room.3:14 PM

Derek Kozel3:14 PM

Martin Braun3:15 PM
I'm more of a UEFI guy

Derek Kozel3:15 PM

Derek Kozel3:15 PM
I'm enthusiastic. I think that's the biggest point. I did my university in electrical and computer engineering and joined the Amateur Radio club after the first year.

Marcus Müller3:16 PM
so, how did you end up with GNU Radio, by the way?

Wetwork3:16 PM
Good Day everyone

Derek Kozel3:16 PM
I was really fortunate that it had some ancient equipment and neglected in the corner a software defined radio

Mike Anderson3:16 PM
@Derek Are you still a HAM?

Derek Kozel3:16 PM
Yes I am. MW0LNA in the UK

Derek Kozel3:16 PM
and K0ZEL in the USA. mostly "active" in the microwave bands

Clayton Smith3:17 PM
That's a pretty sweet call sign!

Mike Anderson3:17 PM
@Derek, Cool, I'm WB4PHJ here in just outside of Washington, DC.

Martin Braun3:17 PM
Derek gets more ham cred just for his call signs than others for their gear :)

Derek Kozel3:17 PM
Marcus, I got into GNU Radio during my masters. I did an evolutionary algorithms project optimizing digital modulation and used GNU Radio as the simulator

Derek Kozel3:17 PM
I forget why I knew about it at that point

Derek Kozel3:18 PM
I ended up presenting that work at GNU Radio Conference in Washington DC, 2014

Mike Anderson3:18 PM
Is GNU radio being used in any commercial transceivers?

Marcus Müller3:18 PM
@Mike Anderson indeed, it is!

Marcus Müller3:18 PM
There's a company running satellite base stations, for example.

Derek Kozel3:18 PM

Mike Anderson3:18 PM
Cool, which ones if you can think of any?

Martin Braun3:18 PM
That said, we often have a hard time finding out about who is using GNU Radio

Derek Kozel3:19 PM
I can't think of anyone openly selling radios intended for the general public that use GNU Radio

Derek Kozel3:19 PM
but there are a fair number of commercial specialized systems that use it, often designed by the company actually using the systems

Mike Anderson3:19 PM
I can imagine that not many users are willing to say that publicly. But, under GPL, don't they have to reveal that?

Nate3:19 PM
I'm one of the GNU Radio Project Officers. I have been involved with organizing the upcoming GNU Radio Conference 2018 in Henderson, NV. I’ve rebuilt the site to migrate it from a WP arch. One of the pet projects I am working on is a web/browser based version of GRC/frontend for GNU Radio.

Martin Braun3:20 PM
While we're at it: I'm the community manager for GNU Radio, and have done various activities for the project over the last 10 years. Also a member of the foundation.

Eric Mortensen3:21 PM
Thanks for the intros. Nice to meet you! Here's a question from @Chris Handwerker:

"I'm a ham and a programmer who would like to get their feet wet with SDR and GNU radio.

What's the best place to get started for someone with a decent technical background? Is there a kit or a specific SDR I should get? Could you recommend good literature?"

Derek Kozel3:21 PM
GPL would require them to release the source code directly using GNU Radio to their customers if they sold a system that used GNU Radio

Martin Braun3:21 PM
@Chris Handwerker : I would get my hands on an RTL-SDR dongle first

Tim joined  the room.3:21 PM

Derek Kozel3:21 PM
If it's internal to a company then the end user already has access to the Source code

Marcus Müller3:21 PM
@Mike Anderson I'd argue a talk titled "A Global Satellite Communications Network with GNU Radio" (on is pretty public ;)

Martin Braun3:21 PM
It can only receive, and only has limited bandwidth, but it's super cheap

Derek Kozel3:21 PM
IANAL of course

Martin Braun3:22 PM
Once you get started, you will quickly figure out what you want to do next

Martin Braun3:22 PM
There are various companies that sell higher-bandwidth equipment (disclaimer: I work for one of those, Ettus Research)

Godziluu joined  the room.3:22 PM

Mike Anderson3:22 PM
@Marcus Müller Yeah, that would seem pretty public. ;-)

Nate3:22 PM
to get started , the wiki is a great spot , we have a suggested reading page -

Martin Braun3:22 PM
You can even skip the hardware altogether and do everything in software/simulation, but of course that's less fun

Nate3:23 PM
Michael Ossman's online Videos on SDR/DSP are a great spot to start as well:

Martin Braun3:23 PM
We also have recommended tutorials to get you started with GNU Radio itself,

Derek Kozel3:23 PM
And we have tutorials on the wiki as well

Derek Kozel3:24 PM

Marcus Müller3:24 PM
So, while we're introducing ourselves:

Hi, I'm Marcus.

I'm the project maintainer, which means I'm the one responsible for all things code. Which doesn't mean I'm a dictator at all – we've got a pretty embracing contributing policy, and most decisions are discussed with as much affected developers and users as possible.

Myself, I'm just an EE with a slight passion for Software Defined Radio and especially this project.

Marc Lichtman3:24 PM
Currently, the lowest cost SDRs that can transmit and work with GNU Radio are the LimeSDR-mini for $140 and Analog Devices ADALM-PLUTO for $99 if you're a student (someone correct me if I'm missing one)

Marcus Müller3:24 PM
see, that's what I meant with "hivemind giving the same answers simultaneously"

Martin Braun3:25 PM
@Chris Handwerker: Also, I would recommend joining the mailing list (discuss-gnuradio) or the Slack or IRC chat rooms

Martin Braun3:25 PM
There's simply so many tutorials out there scattered across the webs, it's good to ask people of they think a certain tutorial is still up to date

Marcus Müller3:25 PM
@Marc Lichtman there might be (mainly ham) devices that use sound card stereo channels as IQ output to mix onto an IF and then onto the actual carrier frequency

Marc Lichtman3:26 PM
ah yes, for you hams out there

Marcus Müller3:26 PM
Second what @Martin Braun just said! There's a lot of good things out there, but the paradigms of usage have shifted over the years

Clayton Smith3:26 PM
Yes, the SoftRock devices for example.

Marc Lichtman3:27 PM
but nothing beats a $20 RTL-SDR for the complete beginner who shouldn't be transmitting anyway =)

Marcus Müller3:27 PM
Hey Clayton, nice hearing from you again! Your HD Radio implementation is still epic!

Chris Handwerker3:28 PM
thanks guys

Eric Mortensen3:28 PM
Speaking of things changing, how has GNU Radio changed over the years? What are people doing with it today that might not have been foreseen in the early days of the project?

travisfcollins joined  the room.3:29 PM

Nate3:30 PM
People are putting GNU Radio into space now

Martin Braun3:30 PM
I think the biggest change has been the growth of the community. It started out as a group of hardcore enthusiasts.

Marcus Müller3:30 PM
@Mike Anderson by the way, I want to pick up on your "does anyone use GNU Radio but doesn't want to talk about it for license reasons" question. I do happen to know that a large manufacturer of very specialized radio receiver ICs is using a GNU Radio OOT module to test their reception of a certain broadcasting standard. They can freely do so – they can even modify it to their heart's delight! The only thing is, if they built a testing device that *contains* GNU Radio and *delivered that to someone*, they would also have to deliver the source code to whoever they gave the device (for money or free)

Martin Braun3:30 PM
Now, we need to be more aware of people who are just starting, and/or have expertise in one domain but not another (e.g. software vs. RF electronics)

Marcus Müller3:30 PM

Marcus Müller3:31 PM
@Martin Braun absolutely! When we started, it was a club of brave radio engineers and enthusiasts with different motivations

Martin Braun3:31 PM
I'm personally very happy about this development, but it means more work in terms documentation, tooling, ease-of-use, etc.

handyj3:31 PM
I just say this yesterday on the site.. ultrasound.... interesting...

Mike Anderson3:32 PM
@Marcus Müller OK, that's consistent with my understanding of the GPL. Do they contribute anything back to the community that you know of?

Marcus Müller3:32 PM
but now we see people use GNU Radio for wildlife tracking, for security testing, for medical stuff, for radio astronomy (but that was a **very** early usage, too!)

Karl Koscher3:32 PM
I seem to recall GNU Radio coming about because of the FCC's idiotic Broadcast Flag proposal... is that recollection correct, or was there more to it?

Martin Braun3:32 PM
@Karl Koscher: Yeah, that's right!

Martin Braun3:32 PM
That goes way back

Haizal Omar joined  the room.3:32 PM

Martin Braun3:32 PM
Even very early versions of GNU Radio had code to decode ATSC

Martin Braun3:33 PM
TBH, this predates even my involvement

Marcus Müller3:33 PM
@Mike Anderson so, yes, but it depends on the company. We've got large companies sponsoring the GNU Radio Conference next month. Others just use GNU Radio internally and we never even hear from them! That's a bummer.

Martin Braun3:33 PM
But the gist was, "let's get an ATSC decoder out there (open source) so its use can be grandfathered in"

Martin Braun3:34 PM
However, I wouldn't go so far as to say that was the entire reason behind GNU Radio

Karl Koscher3:34 PM
glad the broadcast flag proposal never really went anywhere... i seem to recall a proposal to regulate high-speed ADCs in response

Martin Braun3:34 PM
I think it was pretty clear that the world needed a free software-based framework for SDR

Marcus Müller3:35 PM
yeah, the legend goes that Eric Blossom (the first maintainer) needed to show a copy protection bit is not a "effective copyright protection measure" against the MPAA or so

Marcus Müller3:35 PM
others used GNU Radio because they simply wanted to do SDR

Karl Koscher3:35 PM
yeah, looking at the wikipedia page, it seems like it was initially based on an SDR framework from MIT

Marcus Müller3:35 PM
other had hardware but no software for SDR

Martin Braun3:36 PM
pspectrum, yeah. However, there's no more shared code left.

Marcus Müller3:36 PM
... I removed some Octave m-code that literally just calculated a running sum the other week. that might just as well have been from that era. But I'm pretty sure none of the code in GNU Radio goes back that far.

Marcus Müller3:38 PM
But really, the dominant change since then is the sheer size of its user base

Marcus Müller3:39 PM
like, it feels like there's a million labs out there, in hackspaces, RF companies, not-so-RF-but-still-need-some-radio-analysis-or-signal-generation companies, and universities

Marcus Müller3:40 PM
Again, we're sometimes a bit bummed out that few people tell us what cool stuff they've built with the software we develop

Derek Kozel3:40 PM
The core framework has interface improvements, updates to dependencies, and benefits from improvements to the VOLK library and others. I think it's the growth and maturation of the out of tree blocks for different applications that is the biggest code change

Karl Koscher3:40 PM
random question: is there a good way to do things that aren't strictly stream or message-based in GNU Radio? For example, performing overlapping FFTs on a stream. Of course you could do this in a custom block but I'm wondering if there's a way to do this with off-the-shelf blocks

Marcus Müller3:40 PM
That sounds like an extremely stream thing to do! :)

Martin Braun3:41 PM
gr-specest has blocks that do that

Karl Koscher3:41 PM
well, the overlapping part means that you're double-processing samples that stream in

Marcus Müller3:41 PM
so, there's already a block that does that, and it's the FFT FIR filter

Derek Kozel3:41 PM
My approach would be an embedded python block that shifts out overlapping buffers. It'd be only a few lines of code

Marcus Müller3:41 PM

Derek Kozel3:41 PM
Or use the existing block ^^ :)

Nate3:41 PM
There is also a way to overlap using the "any" block from gr-baz by Balint

Karl Koscher3:41 PM

Martin Braun3:41 PM
@Karl Koscher: "overlapping FFTs" can be implemented by using the history feature of the streaming interfaces

Derek Kozel3:42 PM
The embedded python block can be done within GRC and is a frequently overlooked feature that is hugely powerful

Marcus Müller3:42 PM
EXTREMELY overlooked

Karl Koscher3:42 PM
... I am not aware of either the history feature or embedded python blocks in GRC, so that's good to know!

Marcus Müller3:42 PM
like "OK, you basically know how to write three lines of python? Sure, you can write a packet decoder for AX.25!" (or whatever floats your boat)

Derek Kozel3:44 PM
Lets jump up a few levels, incase most of the audience hasn't used GNU Radio before

Marcus Müller3:45 PM
Karl: Derek's right, but: Hit the mailing list with a description
