
first version with 128x128 for amg8833 sensor

A project log for spi write up to 64 colors at a time on Arduino!

amg8833 equivilent sensor thermal cam is a perfect example of how to write faster with spi lcd displays. 128x128 sample fast on Arduino.

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 09/26/2018 at 01:110 Comments

this version has amg8833 sensor working to 128x128! resolution upsampled. it is set by default in build dated 9-25-2018. it  has some issues with blockiness again at this resolution but it can be solved easily within a few days. the 128x128 code is not optimized at all, in fact buffering is turned off currently for testing. to speed code up set setting of #define optimize 2 will give it about 5fps currently I have optimize mode set  to 0 (non buffered write entire screen) which is the mode i have it in currently for troubleshooting blockiness issues. it currently is set to do about 2fps. however it does show a lot more detail than even 64x64, fingers are visible as well as shapes of objects.  

coding changes can make it 50-100% faster, and the fact that i can buffer spi will make it about twice as fast as this is the first set of code to take more processing time than it does time to show the pixels. this means that buffering spi and having it write to display while it is processing next pixels will make sense now. the amg8833 detail is only somewhat accurate to 10fps, so 10fps seems a good stopping point for tweaking it at 128x128!

i coded in the ability for spi buffering into 64x64, i will apply it to 128x128, and. i feel the only benefit for my purposes is the 128x128 code, but will add it for those that have big ideas, such as advanced filtering or overlay with a regular camera. these features which i will not work on would make the processing time greater than the pixel processing, which means buffering will speed it up. 

as for the mlx90640 sensor, i will release demo code for testing sensor within 48hrs, prob by next week i will have it working. eventually  to a point that it will work upsampled to similar resolution, with enhancements making it detect detail to 64x48, and upsample it to at least 128x96.
