
got the mlx90460 working on Arduino put it in its own project

A project log for spi write up to 64 colors at a time on Arduino!

amg8833 equivilent sensor thermal cam is a perfect example of how to write faster with spi lcd displays. 128x128 sample fast on Arduino.

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 09/30/2018 at 06:450 Comments

adding the mlx90460 sensor to be able to work with this project has been complex. so complex it has its own article blog here 

currently sensor outputs to terminal and shows a visualization of all sensors in a grid pattern similar to a picture. i have added ability to change hz, ad resolution and switch between continuous and step mode (single shot mode) as well as read sensor values and compare them to values stored in progmem (created another program that extracts them for cut and paste)

video of it working here
