
just recieved spi ili9341 display. will get optimizations going on that display

A project log for spi write up to 64 colors at a time on Arduino!

amg8833 equivilent sensor thermal cam is a perfect example of how to write faster with spi lcd displays. 128x128 sample fast on Arduino.

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 10/08/2018 at 22:340 Comments

this project has a lot of steps and complexities. i will directly support  two display types with complete optimizations. these are the st77xx series (128x128) and the ili9341 series (320x240), for those with different displays use the wrapper that translates my commands into instructions that use setwindow() and pushcolor() are somewhat standard and universal commands on adafruit displays, since i will only spi optimize drivers for ili9341, and st77xx, other display types will only be able to do 3-7 fps, but parallel mode should work quicker as these do not use spi. again the wrapper instructions are used if this is set in my sketch file

//#define workAnyAdafruitDisplay true

look for a zip file that contains ccompatible_adrafruitdisplays for universal

it will do 3fps at 64x64 on my st77xx, if workAnyAdafruitDisplay false i get ~10fps

you can try it out without changing any settings from this file here if you have a st77xx

it actually does about 20fps but i have interlaced enabled. at 10fps the screen scroll is visible if interlace is off.
